Tuesday, July 12, 2011


By Scary Barry Rodriguez              July 9, 2011

Location: Classified    0230 Hrs

Ruffbo shifted uncomfortably inside the air transport with the human operators of his Seal commando team, which had been given the green light to commence " operation Sniff ". The purpose of this op was to take out  the Chinese scientist Dr.Hu and the Shining Path terrorist group in Peru. Dr. Hu had provided a briefcase nuke to this terrorist group and was training them in its use. Only Ruffbo and his human counterparts could put a stop to this threat to World peace !

Ruffbo the dog commando was highly trained, had attended UDT ( Underwater Dog Training ), spoke several animal languages and was an expert in Dog Kung Fu. Now ruffbo , armed with the scent of Dr. Hu , with the support of his team was given the mission of taking the scientist out with suppressed paw guns. Having the Dr.Hu's scent was the equivalent to having the target painted with a laser designator. The scent would guide Ruffbo directly to his target.

The ISA ( Intelligence Support Activity ) code name " Dirty Laundry " had located the safe house of the Shining Path terrorist leadership cadre and Dr.Hu by intercepting the cell phone and radio transmissions . While Ruffbo was to take out Dr.Hu the rest of the team was to set up perimeter security and also gather up  any documents in the safe house. They would be Halo jumping into the target area. Ruffo wanted get the op over with so he could guzzle more Fighto dog beer and get down with one of his many bitches.  For now it would have to wait !

Frank, his human operator counterpart strapped Ruffbo to his chest  in a special harness and checked to ensure that his dog weapons were safely tied down. Ruffbo had on his special body armor, earpiece, head camera and night vision goggles in addition to his paw guns. Ruffbo lifted his leg and relieved himself one last time before the jump. Over the darkness of Peru the rear ramp of the transport plane opened letting the early morning air in.

The green light came on and the load master gave the signal ! The team hurled themselves out of the plane into the darkness. The wind tugged at Ruffbo's night vision goggles and chilled his body. As the parachutes deployed , the team formation could be seen , lit by special paint , through night vision goggles. Ruffbo and the team touched down and stashed their chutes. Frank directed Ruffbo and his human counterparts via his throat mike. "Ruffbo !"  Frank said, "get the tango now !"

The team quietly trekked 100 meters to the safe house area and set up a perimeter. The sound of crickets could be heard but nothing else. Totally unaware of what was about to transpire, Dr.Hu was totally focused on watching a Mandarin soap opera on the boob tube, while the his Shining Path buddies caught some sack time. They had posted some dudes out on guard duty but no trouble was expected. The AK 47 totting guards loitered outside scratching themselves and snorting cocaine.

Ruffbo couldn't wait to take the fight to these two legged dirtbags ! The execute command echoed in his earphones and he immediately jumped through an open window heading for his prey. Directed by scent, Ruffbo immediately located Dr.Hu in the living room area watching the boob tube. The terrorist were snoring loudly in nearby bedrooms. The dirtbag guards outside didn't have a clue as Ruffbo's team took them out with suppressed weapons.

Dr.Hu was slouched down on a beat up sofa. He considered his Shining Path hosts ignorant country peasants. He chuckled to himself thinking about the havoc they would reap upon the capitalist running dogs of America ! While Dr.Hu was metally stroking himself he failed to notice Ruffbo lurking in the shadows. Ruffbo came strait at the the commie doctor, who mistakenly made a move to pet him. The bullets from Ruffbo's paw guns sliced up Dr.Hu like swiss cheese. Ruffbo looked down at Dr.Hu's body and couldn't resist pissing on him to leave his calling card !

Meanwhile the rest of the team had put the Shining Path terrorist to sleep for good ! They collected hundreds of documents that had been laying around. Ruffbo using his animal language skills , interrogated some local pooches for more intel. "Frank, you two legged bastard", Ruffbo barked, "isn't this a gas !" . Frank says, "Ruff dude, I owe you a case of Fighto beer for this hit ! " .  Frank was totally jazzed about the op.

Millions of Americans could now sleep in peace, unaware that Dog commando Ruffbo and his courageous team had once against put an end to another terrorist threat ! Ruffbo would be barking about it back at the base but the World would never know the real story !

Note: Stay tuned fans for more exciting stories of Ruffbo , " Dog Commando "

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. BarryRodriguez (c) 2011. All rights reserved.

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