Thursday, March 10, 2011


March 9, 2011

( SAN FRANCISCO )- Tuesday the Miami Heat lost their 5th straight game to the Portland Trailblazers 105-96. Its getting to be a regular thing to watch Lebron James or Dywane Wade miss shots in the waning minutes of closely contested games on the NBA highlight videos. As another shot goes astray off the rim, Coach Erik Spoelstra is probally updating his resume for next year.

The Sport's jockcasters were ready to annoit the Heat as the next basketball dynasty but evidently something has gone awry. When Miami first got Lebron, Heat GM Pat Riley was grinning like a cheshire cat. Now you can see concern lines on his face and wrinkles on his well tailored suits. There is minus basketball chemistry between Lebron, Dywane and Chris Boch. Their egotistical confidence is gone. They were counting their money before the deal was done.

Still the jockcasters proclaim that the Heat losing game after game means nothing. If the Heat take a dump in the playoffs these people will have egg all over their faces ! Putting a team together is not merely putting bodies together. Warrior's coach Keith Smart told me that sometimes players do what they feel is right for the situation individually but it might not be right for the team game wise. That is the case with Miami. Doubt has crept into the minds of the heretofore teflon jockstars. They are missing clutch shots like weekend hardcourt players.

Hey Guys ! Perhaps you had your NBA championship hats and T-shirts made too soon ! Maybe after backing into the playoffs the dream will be over ! These dudes are still young guys and have a lot to learn about life. Lebron threw Cleveland under the bus only to have put more pressure on himself. Its not over yet but nobody is going to lay down just on their reputation any more. They are beatable and everyone is hip to it now ! It will only get harder for the Heat !

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. barryrodriguez (c) 2011. all rights reserved.

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