Tuesday, November 12, 2013


Rush Limbaugh
Damon Bruce

By Scary Barry Rodriguez

November 11, 2013

I have listened to the San Francisco bay area's flagship sports station KNBR for years. To my dismay the tenor of the programming over the last six or seven years has become blatantly low rent. ( as in appealing to the lowest common denominator ) Damon Bruce like Rush Limbaugh is first and foremost an entertainer nothing more ! This last week he crossed the line from entertainer to an out of control moron !


I'm certain the legions of male chauvinist fans out there in radio land ate up his mindless rant. Unfortunately the garbage that is being served up on KNBR under the guise of sports is pandering to all the homophobic , racist and male chauvinistic fans out there who never had the opportunity to grow up !

Heidi Watney

The Scary one was once part of those ignorant masses. I admit to thinking the same as Damon Bruce about women reporters in sports media until very recently. A couple of months ago I was watching the " Quick Pitch " show on ESPN that is hosted by the very attractive Heidi Watney . Like all the other male chauvinistic morons, the first thought on my mind was that she was just hired because shes a hot looker !

Molly Qerim

I also had noticed the sexy appearance of Molly Qerim on the NFL network and thought the same thing ! I was the typical manly man . One that  doesn't eat tofu sandwiches , wear a blue tooth phone in his ear , drinks beer and doesn't walk around permanently attached to a laptop or tablet computer ! 


Then for some unfathomable reason I checked out Heidi Watney and Molly Qerim on the internet. Much to my ignorance I discovered that both ladies had paid more than enough sports media dues and were educated to the max ! Then I compared them to their male counterparts. Sorry to say the dudes came out wanting ! These suit wearing guys weren't big brains and didn't even register on the charismo meter ! ( check : ScaryBarry's glossary )

One criticism leveled at the women sportcasters on television is that they don't contribute to the show in a meaningful way ! This is just an ignorant view. Television hosts , just like everyone else on a show are limited by a predetermined format. The male commentators and their ex jock analysts also can't just randomly go off script !

Troy Aikman

Dan Fouts
ESPN , the NFL network and Fox sports , uses the services of several boring ex jocks such as Troy Aikman and Dan Fouts who have the charisma of a rock ! Now lets check out the importance of their football knowledge ! Anyone , even a child , can go online and study what a 3-4 defense is or the names of different pass routes etc. So these jocks really don't add to the show they are merely window dressing most of the time. The coaches tend to be the ones with the real insight !

Hanna Storm

I remember an incident in the recent past when a male broadcaster criticized Hanna Storm for wearing a short skirt because of her age ! Hanna Storm is one of my favorite broadcasters. She is a good interviewer because the players relax around her which leads to a better interview ! So what if her skirt is short ! This kind of behavior by insecure males is nonsense !

Back to the subject of Damon Bruce. On occasion I have listened to his show. It is only entertaining for a limited time because the level of stupidity quickly becomes wearing to any intelligent person ! These type of shows consist of the mindless remarks of listeners calling in , low brow humor by the show hosts and obvious avoidance of discussion in regards to anything that might offend the business community. The Damon Bruce show is all that and more. 

I suppose there is a niche for these shows. The listeners don't have to tax their brains , just go on auto pilot and bask in the glory of programming that blatantly panders to whatever bias they might have. In this case it was women bashing !Now I want the television networks , radio and the internet to unleash women from being merely backups for the men ! I want Heidi watney and Molly Qerim to really express their views. Trash the format !

Mr. Macho , Scary Barry is totally over the boring cardboard cutout performance of ex jocks and frustrated men ! Wheres the beef !  The Damon Bruce incident should send a message to the media powers to be that biased rhetoric can't masquerade as entertainment !

This article is dedicated to the thousands of women sports journalist who toil in the shadows of countless , boring male counterparts. Forgive my ignorance ladies please ! Hopefully my honesty will be my saving grace in this case !

PS: I deliberately didn't mention anyone in the print media. Everyone irregardless of gender has stolen my original story lines in the past !   Ha Ha

BarryRodriguez (c) 2013. All Rights Reserved.
Page layout arranged by Magic Merlin Paul Malolot

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