Friday, April 29, 2011


By Scary Barry Rodriguez             April 28, 2011

( SAN FRANCISCO ) - When the GOP included Sarah Palin on the ticket as a vice-Presidential candidate I thought the political discourse in the United States had hit bottom. The Scary one was wrong. Wednesday in response to Donald Trump's assertions that he was not a natural born U.S. citizen , President Obama released to the press copies of his long form birth certificate. Wars throughout the middle east, tsunami after effects in Japan, an ailing economy at home and Trump's focus has been on the birth certificate issue !

The mainstream Republican party has allowed the fringe element to hijack their cause. Before it was the evangelicals calling the shots now those to the right of conservatives , the so called " Tea party " people are leading the charge that will bring certain failure to the party. The United States has become the laughing stock of the World as Sarah Palin and her brood travel the highways and byways of White America raking in the cash by talking trash. Palin is not fit to run a strip mall in Alaska let alone a country !

Donald Trump loves the spotlight. The Scary one doesn't trust anyone that appears to be wearing a dead animal on his forehead. He is definitely a distraction to the Republican party. He is an unrepentant braggart and in the political arena no more astute than Robert DeNiro. This is just his latest flirtation with publicity at the expense of the American public trying to get an honest answer to why the country is in such a mess !

All these pudgy, pasty faced billionaires in expensive clothes , trying to convince regular folks that they have their interests at heart. Trump is just the latest example of these bloodsuckers who want to drain the life out of working people in order to get more private jetliners and throw extravagant parties that are covered in the latest issue of the Vanity Fair magazine. Trump has never shed a drop of his blood for his country and only thing he has fought against is paying his share of taxes ! In his own bombastic way he put a spin on his political gaffe by taking credit for putting to rest the birth certificate issue. Thats chutzpah !

If Donald Trump is the latest hope for the White race in America then Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh and their Tea party pals are lost at sea ! I'm old enough folks, to remember President Harry Truman describing John Birch society members as Klansmen who weren't wearing sheets. Trump imports scab labor to work in his hotels and most likely thinks that any minority person was born holding a mop or dustpan. He is the correct image of the Republican party today.

The " Donald " is just an entertainer and a bad one at that ! The big joke is on the American people. In search of leaders to right the ship, instead we have a flock of clowns calling themselves conservatives, the Tea party and over the hill action movie actors , all saying they know whats better than President Obama. Their opposition is only skin deep ! Trump and the other pretenders are just an updated version of the same old tired racist agenda of folks who can't let go of the past ! These folks believe that all minorities and working class people belong on the back of the economic bus and they the chosen ones should call the shots. New generation , same old Republicans !

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. barryrodriguez (c) 2011. all rights reserved.

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