Tuesday, February 21, 2012


By Scary Barry Rodriguez              February 21, 2012

The last years of Whitney Houston's life were like a replay of so many other stars who left this life too early. I came from the generation that produced Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Jimi Hendrix among others. Whitney made it to the age of 48 before drowning in the excesses of sucess. We need not dwell on the negative headlines about her alcoholic and drug filled fall from grace. Ms. Houston made millions of people smile with her incredible voice.

I can recall seeing Whitney's first MTV video , singing " How Will I Know ". She came across as cute and full of pep ! From that point on she was on everyones radar screen. She conquered the Music world selling 170 million albums. Her vocal style spawned a whole generation of singers who attempted to follow in her footsteps. But Whitney was the original. Regardless of what movie critics think I completely enjoyed 

"The Bodyguard " and of course the theme song. Something about her voice reached the depths of my heart.

When someone has the ability to capture the feelings that we all have about love and life it is very special. Coming from a background in Gospel music inherited from her Mother Cissy Houston , Whitney transcended cultural barriers with her singing. Yet , nothing can  adequately prepare anyone for the all consuming crunch of celebrity and microscopic press scrutiny that comes with fame. One cannot fault Whitney being insecure just as we all are every day of our lives.

It is a shame that Whitney passed into eternity without the benifit of her loved ones being present. On Saturday February the eleventh one of the brightest lights was extinguished. Yet Whitney Houston will forever live on every time one her songs brings temporary joy to our souls. My sense of loss is not one of the fanatic fan . If the eyes are the mirror to our soul then music is surely the mirror of our hearts. So rest in peace beautiful songbird, comforted by the certainty that you will never be alone in heaven !

This article is dedictated to all the entertainers that light the dark corners of our everyday world by their efforts.

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. BarryRodriguez (c) 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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