Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Scary Barry Rodriguez
May 21, 2013

As a native born San Franciscan and life long fan of the San Francisco 49ers it was bittersweet for me to watch members of the San Francisco Bid Committee wildly celebrating the award of the 2016 Superbowl to Santa Clara on the afternoon news. Yea , I know that the NFL is calling it the San Francisco Bay Area , but it really has nothing to do with the    " City by the Bay "

Mayor Ed Lee

Its a loss for San Francisco fans and business and a win for Santa Clara. San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee was MIA in the after party shown on television ! He should be ! First San Francisco lost the 49ers to Santa Clara now the final indignity of losing all the Superbowl L business to an area that was once not even on the radar screen !

Willie Brown
Gavin Newsom

The Yorks aren't to blame . They are just business people , with no emotional connections to the San Francisco, doing whats good for their business , the San Francisco 49er brand. The three most responsible for losing the jewel of all San Francisco sport's franchises are the last three Mayors of San Francisco, Willie Brown, " look at me "               Gavin Newsom and Ed Lee.

America's Cup
Lennar Corporation
It is just part of the great karmic meltdown of San Francisco ! Americas Cup in San Francisco doomed , the failure of the Lennar corporation's development that was to be located in the Hunter's point- Candle Stick point area and a planned new stadium and the failure of the San Francisco City government to get their act together , resulting in the loss of the San Francisco 49ers. 

The new look NFL fans , including those in the Silicon Valley , will be watching the games on the little 2 inch screens of their mobile devices even if they are at the stadium. The new look Santa Clara 49er fans can afford to pay at least six thousand a season and drink champagne ! The blue collar , senior citizen and middle class fans can watch the games on television and get beer out of the fridge during commercial breaks !
Joe Montana
Carmen Policy
No real San Francisco 49er fan is going to do happy back flips thinking about making the long trek to Levi Stadium in Santa Clara. No doubt former 49er great
Joe Montana and ex 49er Gm 
Carmen Policy will be raking in big dollars with their Santa Clara hotel development ! The folks with deep pockets can always use their executive jets , helicopters or limousines to make the 49er scene !

The San Francisco Board of Supervisors should pass a law making it illegal for Santa Clara to use the iconic images of San Francisco such as the Golden Gate bridge or the Cliff house for example , to promote Superbowl L ! They shouldn't profit from the San Francisco City brand ! That is just good business ! Just because San Francisco politicians are corrupt losers ,why should San Francisco taxpayers and fans lose out !

San Francisco 49er fans , this a reality check ! We are no longer important and San Francisco is now a second tier city ! The late great San Francisco writer Herb Caen called the City by the Bay , " the city that knows how " . Beyond a shadow of a doubt this is no longer true ! Santa Clara , once just an area populated by orchards , chicken ranches and farms is the new darling of the NFL. Need I say more !

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