Monday, June 25, 2012



By Scary Barry Rodriguez                June 23, 2012

On June 18, 2012 former major league pitcher Roger Clemens was acquitted of all Federal perjury charges. He had already had a mistrial. Another setback for the PED witch hunt that has been casting a shadow over all sports. The Scary one works on the premise that sport's team owners, jocks and the press all are in it for the money ! All the various PED scandals wouldn't invoke any concern without the profit motive being involved.

It was bad for the FEDs , the Press and the team owners that Roger Clemens beat the Federal PED witch hunt. One can imagine how puffed up Federal prosecutors would have been if they could have obtained another jockstar's scalp to display alongside that of Barry Bonds. To be sure a feather in the cap , a career boost. Don't leave out all the grandstanding politicians trying to look good at the expense of the jocks yet at the same time dodging questions on substansive issues !

Now let us turn our attention to all the pencil necked media types hoping to write million seller books about the tragic fall of Roger Clemens. Oops ! Sorry , it never happened. The pack of vultures were waiting to feed on Clemen's carcass. They all made big money assassinating Barry Bond's character ! Then these same hypocrites talk smack about not voting Roger Clemens  or Barry Bonds into the baseball Hall of Fame on the first ballot. Without the jockstars scandals to write about the Press would go broke. The team owners are a joke ! They reap tremendous profit from the exploits of all the steroid fueled jockstars. They make advertisers happy and fill stadium seats. Whats there beef ?

It must be very frustrating for the Feds to waste millions of tax payer dollars going after Lance Armstrong and to lose. So the United States Anti-Doping Agency is now taking up the cause against Armstrong. He has never flunked a drug test but he is worthy of another expensive investigation ! Good old Lance pissed the French off by winning 7 Tour de France races and having rockstar girlfriends ! The Feds couldn't get John Edwards so they look at jockstars as easy prey for prosecution. After all,  Joe six pack thinks all jocks make way to much money. So there is no risk at offending the so called sport's fans.

This is the state of modern big time sports folks. This week the New York Times reported that race horses are using PEDs in four different states ! Thirty horses have tested positive for Dermorphin , a substance that comes from the south american waxy monkey tree frog . Thats right ! Frog juice. The horses get so stoned out that they run pell mel all over the track without a concern for injury ! What is the world coming to ? Expect to read about star race horses trotting around wearing shades and gold chains, sporting a posse of foxy phillies all the while demanding better chow then the hay          they ' re getting now !

Scary Barry says , lets get back to looking at sports as for profit entertainment , not the stomping grounds for Moses and Sport's purity phonies ! Fans want to see homeruns, touchdowns , knockouts, three pointers and butt kicking ! Give the people what they want . Forget about the lectures !

Note :  This article is dedictated to all the smucks making millions of dollars from gambling addicts betting on sports ! Thats what is ruining sports not PED junky jockstars !

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