Thursday, March 24, 2011


By Scary Barry Rodriguez                  January 24, 2011

( HONOLULU )- There was a calm over the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel as the Scary one rose out of his bed after sleeping like a dead man. Never before had I the time to explore the local area and today was my chance. The " Village " is a very large complex , with many shops , restaurants and entertainment. Located right on the Waikiki beach it is the ideal place to stroll around and people watch. Fortunately the Village is populated by many attractive female employees who are bored all day and all night by the usual tourist talk ! Then along comes the Scary one to rescue them from this humdrum scene.

Longhaired, wacked out from travel, he confirms for them that they really do matter ! Talking to Marivic,Andrea and Stephanie, like someone just released from years of captivity I can't stop smiling. They heap huge doses of goodwill on me and help me heal my road weary blues. I still hadn't left the hotel area. I go swimming,catch some sun and then start walking around to find a suitable place to eat lunch. I note that many of the locals , men , women and even totems have tatoos ! I am wearing my " SCARY BARRY ROCKS " T-shirt with my website information on the back. It crossed my mind to have Scary Barry tatooed on my big pectoral muscles  ! Not really !

Conveniently located nearby is the " Cheese Burger " restaurant. Being a sophisticate at heart the Scary one ordered a Kobe burger. Just that alone would be enough to impress anyone. What impressed me the most is the yellow plastic pinapple my drink came in. Not only that . It was mine to keep , straw and all ! After making quick work of the burger, I bade Maggie the manager a fond adieu and plastic pinapple in hand split the scene. The Scary one was in heaven.

Then I noticed that Japanese tourists found something amusing about my appearance. Maybe it was my long unkept hair, the plastic pinapple drink in my hand , the " SCARY BARRY ROCKS " on my T- shirt or the stupid smile on my face ! Usually these japanese tourist are quite shy,even about eye contact. Then and there the Scary one decided that he could become a bigger star in Japan than even Godzilla ! I pictured my starring in a japanese movie. A giant Scary Barry towering over Tokyo , fighting off a huge menacing monster and saving the city. I had visions of small children eating sushi with one hand and clutching a toy Scary Barry action figure with the other. Perhaps I was affected by the heat !

I had spoke with Monica and Lauren about a submarine ride. Yea, thats right ! A boat takes you out from the shore and then you are put on a little submarine which decends down so the underwater life can be viewed. There so many things that I could do that my head was about to explode ! I had talked to Andrea about taking a boat ride and surfing. No longer a young bull, the Scary one had to take a nap to replenish his energy. I bought some good sugar cookies from a nice lady,chatted a bit , then I went to my room.

Later, refreshed, I went with my friends Lee,Paul, and Daisey to the International market place to eat. The birds walking around near the tables came around while we were eating. I wouldn't have been surprised if they tried panhandling from us. They are so casual around people ! Some folks tried selling the Scary one their products to no avail. Riding the bus to and fro to the market place was an experience. Paul was filming with a video camera like a reality show. You can't get much more real then Scary Barry in his hungry mode ! Soon it will be back to business as the events leading to the Pro Bowl will begin, but for now I'm content to hang out and avoid being arrested. Always remembering I'm " almost human " !
Tune in later for another installment of " The Road To The Pro Bowl 2011

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. barryrodriguez (c) 2011. all rights reserved.

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