Tuesday, January 31, 2012

HAYWIRE Starring Michael Douglas,Antonio Banderas,Ewan McGregor and Gina Carano

By Scary Barry Rodriguez             January 31,2012

This an action film with a cast of stars acting as a set up for Gina Carano playing ex Marine Mallory Kane, a kick ass spy/commando ! Gina formerly of the American Gladiator series and the MMA ring was picked by director Steven Soderbergh to star in Haywire even before there was a script. She is very attractive and chunky. Looks quite good in a dress and comes across as very confident.

The Scary one was bored to tears, had nothing to do on his normally crowded schedule and decided to take in a movie. Haywire  has a paper thin plot about a woman agent working for a contract spook outfit , who turns rogue ! What follows is Gina as Mallory Kane running, fighting and occasionally looking sexy. The stellar cast is one                    big cameo !  Ewan McGregor who plays Mallory Kane's boss looks like a clone of Erik Prince the former head of the notorious mercenary outfit Blackwater ! Most likely that is not a coincidence. Michael Douglas does the minimum as a CIA guy ! Its like Steven Sodenbergh recruited all his buddies to fill the gaps in the non existent plot !

Compared to other sophomore efforts from dudes such as Chuck Norris and Bruce Lee , Gina Carano gives an academy award performance. She has a good screen presence, doesn't blow her lines and kicks ass. Channing Tatum plays another obligatory sidekick in the movie. That seems to be his permanent niche ! The production values were good. Beautiful location shoots , good color , no shaky cam . Unfortunately it was like one long video !

Despite the negatives , the Scary one wants Gina Carano to be his personal bodyguard ! I would even let her put a thigh lock on my head ! Gina has a beautiful face , a toned body and the martial arts chops to make me feel secure. If I was a geezer billionaire I would have Gina around to take out the trash ! ( the human kind ! ) Haywire is a good first effort for Gina Carano. The problem with the movie had nothing to do with her. She did her job ! Next time the hollywood guys need to give her a decent script to work      with !

So ! Gina if you read this review ! The Scary one wants to meet you at the premiere of your next movie ! You can put a MMA move on me anytime !

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. BarryRodriguez (c) 2011. All Rights Reserved.

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