By Scary Barry Rodriguez February 7, 2013
I've long admired the Special operators of the United States military and their valiant deeds. Much to my distress the internet is rife with former U.S Navy Seals and Army Special forces operators , especially those that had served at the tier one level, espousing right wing , anti- President Barack Obama rhetoric.
There they are on video clips, from guest shots on every right wing radio and television program, proclaiming that the ends justifies the means and bashing the President as not really being their corner. It makes my head spin just thinking about the radical change that has transpired in the U.S. military whereby the former step child , the snake eaters, have reversed the script and are now the darlings of the Executive branch.
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Donald Rumsfeld |
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President George W. Bush |
These Special operators were once at the tip of the spear. They were the direct beneficiaries of the so called " Rumsfeld Doctrine ". The self professed mastermind Donald Rumsfeld , Secretary of Defense under President George W. Bush , was the champion of the Special forces , as part of his overall plan to make the U.S. military light , mobile and able to quickly respond.
All these former Special operators and most likely the majority of the present tier one group , down deep in their souls , resenting not being able to kill the enemies of United States by any means necessary and in any other country regardless of sovereignty ! A very noble sentiment putting aside any geopolitical realities.
Unfortunately the current crop of Special operators will be chasing one phantom after another with no end in sight , no resolution because the " military - industrial complex will always need conflict to profit. Now its the many faceless , stateless , terrorists , following the dictates of beliefs that can never be satisfied . Their only intent is to wreak havoc on our American way of life ! Only the Special operators and the CIA are equipped to engage in the asymmetrical warfare !
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Paul Wolfowitz |
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Dick Cheney |
Rumsfeld , Paul Wolfowitz and Dick Cheney came up with this sexy lingo , with terms like asymmetrical warfare and kinetic operations , new tech terminology for new tech wars. Yet Rumsfeld couldn't come to grips with the reality that the humvees that our troops were using in Iraq war of 2003 lacked the armor to defeat IEDs. On national television , in response to questions by the troops about this issue , tech master Rumsfeld , could only reply " you go with what you got " ! I was watching his performance live ! Rumsfeld sure had the pulse of our American warriors ! I think not !
The policies of George W. Bush created the insurgency in Iraq. The Wolfowitz strategy of bypassing the main pockets of resistance in order to secure a quick public relations victory failed miserably . Enter the Special operators , to clean up the mess that their Republican heroes created. It escaped the notice of these loyal defenders of our country that the American transnational corporations were greatly profiting from the nation building failure.
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President Dwight D. Eisenhower |
origin of all the messes that the our military finds itself in go way back to
the post World War II era. President Dwight D. Eisenhower , in his speech of
July 12 , 1945 , warned , " we must guard against the acquisition of
unwarranted influence , whether sought or unsought , by the military - industrial
complex ". It is the, perception of people around the globe , in every
nation , that our American military , the CIA and the American transnational
corporations are totally linked together , inseparable representatives of
United States foreign policy. Its just a new spin on the old " gunboat
diplomacy " to keep international markets open for our corporations.
Surely the new breed of highly educated Special operators can fathom what everyone else already knows ! You don't need a PHD to understand. Its only about business ! All the great Republican champions of our brave American warriors , sons and daughters of privilege , most who have never fired a shot in any conflict , sowing the seeds of discontent !
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President Jimmy Carter |
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Stansfield Turner
The real reason that the United States can't finish off our enemies is all about the lack of HUMINT ( human intelligence ) as opposed to relying on satellite imagery , drones and NSA intercepts. During the presidency of Jimmy Carter , Admiral Stansfield Turner , as the Director of the CIA , gutted the operations wing of the agency. Now in the present time , our government is dependent on technology for " actionable " intelligence , that can be used for an operation or strikes by armed drones.
Has anyone in the U.S. military learned from the fact of Osama Bin Laden , living in plain view in Pakistan yet ? We wanted so desperately to find Bin Laden yet Pakistan and jihadists knew where he was the whole time. Its a game the U.S government is not really trying to win. Target some suspected terrorist with a drone strike and then shape the story to fit the objective. Cold eyed , extremely professional , tier one operators, knocking down doors and killing bad guys. Its so simple , just go down the " wanted list ". Its not a strategy , its one endless escalator ride !
The message to the Special operators is to stick to what you know ! Watch your six , because your champions can leave you hanging at anytime ! What happens to you , if you are killed or maimed , your just a means to an end ! The corporate puppet masters that call the shots are counting on all administrations to deliver conflict . They have visions of infinite business contracts for service and weapons. They believe that commerce trumps everything else.
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President Obama |
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President John F. Kennedy |
President Obama , who came into office with little experience with the " military - industrial complex , doesn't have much wiggle room in the parameters of his actual power. He cannot stray too far off the beaten path in foreign policy. All one has to do to understand the situation is to look back at what happened to President John F. Kennedy. All the Admirals , Generals and power brokers , were in his face , wanting him to invade Cuba. The Cold war carried on until the inevitable collapse of the Soviet Union. Along the way , contrary to reliable intelligence, the Military - industrial complex hyped up the Soviet threat !
Kennedy , blew off the military - industrial complex , planned to change direction in the foreign policy of the United States in Vietnam and the third world. He didn't finish his term. In order to survive , President Obama has had to embrace the dictates of the power structure by continuing on the course of military involvement in every low intensity conflict where U.S. corporations can reap big profits at the expense of shedding the blood of what they deem as an acceptable number of U.S. military casualties . The trade off for President Obama is some opportunity to succeed in the Domestic policy areas.
So it is really not because of poor HUMINT or military failure that the United States is engaged in an endless series of low intensity conflicts and operations to root out worldwide terrorism. The frustrated , mostly uninformed citizens of our great country , have left it up to the government , so as to go on with their lives. The political will does not exist to prevail conclusively over our enemies in the " war on terrorism " just like the " war on drugs " !
The easy , simplistic , extreme world view may be convenient for today's Special operators. In my view , it is dangerous , if the majority of members in the Special operation's community harbor anti-government sentiment against any administration , that places the value of Democratic principles above the ends justifies the means mentality. This trend reinforces the totalitarian , domestic spying , Homeland Security - Drug war nexus , that has produced a sophisticated Police state. Special operators have stated that they are a brotherhood that fights for the man next to them. Staying true to this idea is the only way to avoid being manipulated by those with political agendas that hide behind the facade of patriotism !
BarryRodriguez (c) 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Layout by Magic Merlin Paul Malolot.
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