Sunday, April 24, 2011


By  Scary Barry Rodriguez                    April 24, 2011

( SAN FRANCISCO )- Lately radio, print and television new's have been awash with stories about the National Debt and the possible downgrading of the credit ratiing of the United States. These stories have stated how the government would have to pay higher interest for loans and other dire prospects. Just how could the economic juggernaut that is our country find itself 
in such a situation ?

The Scary one is no expert on economics but I have eyes . This predicament has been at least forty years in the making, aided and abetted by our government , big business and both political parties. The Federal government and big business have been gambling with our money with no real accountability. All the Congressional committees supposedly charged with oversite and the appointed persons of the many administrations have turned a blind eye to the whole scam perpetrated on the electorate.

The Real Estate , Banking and Stock investment companies have engaged in reckless behavior with certain knowledge that if all else fails the Federal government will be compelled provide a bailout. This is not something new. How many times in the last twenty years has the Federal government bailed out the Banks ! Then there is the questionable practices of the Real Estate industry. Its come to light recently that one particular Stock investment business knowingly encouraged their clients to invest in stock they knew would fail !

All the taxpayer money used to bail out these financial crooks and we are asked to tighten our belts and give up our pensions and health coverage by the same players that caused part of the problem. The top tier of the wealthy elite in our country and their businesses have been subsidized by paying lower taxes , putting their money off shore and then getting bailouts for their misdeeds ! Successive administrations, Federal officials and Congress couldn't grasp what is obvious .

The part of the problem caused by regular folks is believing the lies of the elite, the politicians and their facilitators the media. Why on earth would a wealthy ego maniac like Donald Trump who has spent his entire life up until this point trying to get over on everyone else in business , all of a sudden get that public service bug ? Why did Meg Whitman, who didn't even bother voting, suddenly aspire to being the Govenor of California ? These folks don't make a move unless it involves making money yet there are enough gullible folks out there to give them hope. Throw that money out there and buy television time ! The media will not give the little people who pay the taxes equal time !

Its a giant mess ! The big corporations such as Halliburton, Dow, Bechtel and the oil companies , raking in billions in profits due to the many military involvements of the U.S. Since the sinking of the Maine in Cuban waters our government has provided questionable justification for sending in the troops. President Lyndon B. Johnson had his " Tonkin Gulf " incident and good old President G.W Bush had his " Weapons of Mass Destruction " moment. The politicians help sell the line to the regular folks. Some folks rationalize that the business that wars brings will help our economy. The problem with this line of thought is the reality that U.S. transnational corporations outsource the work and off shore the profits .

The squeeze is put on us regular folks. We contribute our young generations to the War machine and pay taxes so that the military industrial complex can keep on prospering and at the same time encourage political pretenders like the Tea party people to blame the less fortunate for the budget shortfalls. Miiddle class and senior citizens get sucked into the nonsense that minorities, illegal aliens and welfare receipiants are the enemies and responsible for our woes.

The goal of Big business is right out there in front of us. That is to eliminate the middle class. There is no motive for them to participate in " job creation ". The Federal government and Big business have sold out long ago. We have become addicted to consumerism and the poison apple of cheap prices at the cost of eliminating our own jobs. We owe our future to China ! Lots of folks have become millionaires at the expense of our longterm prosperity by relying on slave labor . Everytime the U.S. sends in the troops to kick ass its with the eventual intention of setting up low cost labor facilites to satisfy the incessant need for greater profits by our transnational corporations.

Things won't get better unless the average citizen rejects the nonsense that both political parties, the Federal governmet and Big business keep trying to stuff down our throats. We have been victimized far too long by the myth that we can all realisticly aspire to great wealth and that the big player powerbrokers serve our interests. Bring manufacturing back to our country, subsidize education , make our government officials accountable, punish the white collar criminals be they government officials or bussiness people and give honesty equal time !

Courtesy of Scary Merlin Productions. barryrodriguez (c) 2011. all rights reserved.

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