By Barry Rodriguez June 26, 2014

During the show Bucher,Towny & Huff mostly discussed Tim Lincecum's no hitter against the San Diego Padres this last Wednesday , speculation about a possible trade for Kevin Love by the Golden State warriors and various other topics of local interest. Two " Warrior Girls " from the Golden State Warriors made a brief appearance , posed for pictures with the fans present and also participated in the show.
The Game's broadcasters came across as very nice guys and were very fan friendly. Aubrey Huff , posed for fan pictures, gave autographs and signed Sport's gear. Its a shame that more folks didn't make the trip to the Boulevard cafe for the show and good food. General Manager Tania Bain and her staff at the cafe are real crowd pleasers in every sense of the word. Myself and Magic Merlin Paul are regulars at the Boulevard and have never been disappointed .

The show moved in to the cafe's bar area after 8:30 am , for coverage of the United States versus Germany , World cup soccer match. The Scary one is of the opinion that the guys from " The Game " like most radio broadcasters don't appreciate the importance of promoting themselves as entertainers. The charisma factor was missing in action.
Magic Merlin Paul , my technical man and partner kept busy taking pictures. He can testify to the importance of charisma in the promotion of a radio show. He is a one man PR army ! The radio show that " The Game " put on was equal or better to what the so called " Sports Leader " produces every day. This Daly city show is a step in the right direction in connecting in a more direct way with their fans.
Speaking of fans , I again want to commend the Boulevard cafe for doing a great job in the set up for the show and their hospitality. Located just off of John Daly boulevard , at 2 Poncetta Dr , in Daly city , this eating establishment is a credit to the area , a culinary must for everyone.
Stay tuned folks for more articles !
Page Layout by eladio malolot
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