By Scary Barry Rodriguez
March 18, 2014
Sergei had a restless sleep due to a long reoccurring nightmare. For the last ten years he had been living in America under an alias, as Stan Volker , a regular tax paying, under the radar resident, in a small town in Colorado. The nightmares , were a vivid replay of his time spent fighting as a Russian army paratrooper in the first war in Chechnya. The military leaders in the Kremlin brothel had betrayed him and his fellow Blue beret paratroopers , when they were abandoned in the mountains , surrounded by Chechen rebel fighters .
His special mission unit , part of the VDV Airborne 104 Reconnaissance brigade , was dropped off behind enemy lines by an M-8TV helicopter. It turned out to be a setup. The rebels pinned down his group with fierce automatic weapons fire. They were in a desperate state and called for evacuation. Their calls were never answered. No air support ever came. They were captured, tortured and taunted by their rebel captors , who had intercepted Russian army communications , including those ordering that no help was to be rendered to the doomed paratroopers.
He and his comrades shouldn't have been surprised , after their experiences fighting in Afghanistan. Sometimes patriotism dies a hard death. When he finally returned to his hometown of Ryazan , a mid sized city , eighty miles southeast of Moscow in 1999 , trouble followed him. The Russian secret service group , the FSB, used their operatives to plant a bomb in the basement of 14/16 Novosyolov street , an apartment building. Unfortunately Sergei recognized the operatives as they exited the basement in the building and they knew it !
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Vladmir Putin |
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Boris Yeltsin |
The operation was part of a larger plan by Vladmir Putin , to provide a pretext for a second war in Chechnya and at the same time depose Boris Yeltsin as President , making way for him to be elected. Sergei shouldn't have allowed himself to be interviewed by the NTV television station the next day. Putin's FSB " cleaners " ( killers ) were dispatched to remedy the situation by ending his life.
He quickly arranged through his military contacts to have a Yak 40 plane wait for at the Domodedovo International airport to facilitate his exit from Russia. The technical division of the Moscow FSB via intercepted communications learned of his plans. Sergei improvised another plan on the fly. He kidnapped an FSB operative and put him on the plane in his place. Shortly after takeoff the Yak 40 disappeared in an explosive flash. Afterwards , there was nothing left but burned debris , including Sergei's military identification , bits of his clothing and a partial denture.
Under orders from the very top of the FSB , and President Putin himself , the local authorities quickly dismissed the incident as the result of catastrophic mechanical failure. Sergei was officially listed as a dead man by the Russian Federation. His contacts in the MVD , another Russian secret service agency , used operational channels to spirit him out of the country. Now years later he could barely remember all the complicated methods that were employed to provide for his escape and establish his cover.
He is known in America , only as a citizen whose parents and any known relatives are deceased. The legend he has created for himself is almost bullet proof. Sergei speaks American English without the slightest trace of an accent. There is nothing obvious about him or his lifestyle to set him apart from any of his American counterparts. His past life has been erased except for the bitter memories that inhabit his soul. Buried deep within his heart is the desire for revenge.
So it was by shear chance that his past reared its ugly head in an unexpected way. It was a blue sky Monday afternoon and Sergei had taken a day off from his job as an Auto repair manager. The combination Auto repair / tire sales retail outlet could run without his services for one day. Chet the assistant manager and sometime fishing buddy didn't mind stepping up for a friend needing a break.
Browsing through the local paper , his eye was drawn to the headline which read " Russian Tycoon Visits Aspen " . The article in the section dealing with local events , went on to state that former GRU Major General Danovich Petruch , now the owner and CEO of the Russian satellite corporation Soskovet , was expected to visit a Colorado tech company located near Aspen.He had a scheduled appearance at the St. Regis hotel in downtown Aspen. Sergei felt his whole body tense as he viewed Petuch's black and white photo . The then Major General Petruch was the person directly responsible for issuing an order denying Sergei's special mission unit air support and evacuation on that terrible day in the mountains of Chechnya.
General Petruch had played ball with Vladmir Putin and this resulted in him becoming a billionaire. He had dispatched his best " cleaners " to wipe out the most vocal opponents of Putin becoming the President of the Russian Federation. He had provided logistical support for the FSB operatives that mounted the so called terrorists bombings throughout Russia that served as the pretext for the death and destruction brought down on Chechnya. Many of Sergei's comrades perished when they failed to be silent in the face of the many lies that Putin's regime promoted. Bombings , assassinations , accidental deaths , plane crashes, all the methods used to bury the truth. All authorized by a gangster government run by the Secret services of the Russian Federation.
It was Petruch's bad luck that Sergei was still among the living . Driven by black rage , he put together a plan that would hold the former general accountable for his misdeeds. As a paratrooper in a special mission unit , he had been well trained in the art of death dealing , including the use of the Russian martial art " Systema ". In fact , Sergei became a private disciple of Bordev , one of the leading masters . He was taught to use his mind , his entire body and anything within reach as a deadly weapon.
Petruch's visit to Aspen was far enough in the near future for Sergei to put his plans into action. In the guise of going on an out of town fishing trip , he arranged to borrow Chet's well used mid sized RV , which had its own toilet , small kitchen and enough room to hold everything that would be needed. A small Honda 250 cc motorcycle had been purchased from a gun store owner he knew, that lived in a nearby town. Sergei , had a stash of used out of state license plates he purloined from car wrecking yards over the years. He also had unregistered handguns that he had purchased at various gun shows . After all this was America , the land of the Second amendment , he had the right to bear arms !
(часть 2) THE DEAD SOUL - The Lost Paratrooper series
BarryRodriguez (c) 2014. All Rights Reserved.
Layout by Magic Merlin Paul Malolot.
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