Sunday, September 8, 2013


By  Scary Barry Rodriguez        September 7, 2013

This morning a history changing event occurred at 12:01 am. The " Scary Barry Rodriguez Show " debuted on KEST 1450 am on the radio dial ! This was official start of the " Scary Barry " era !  With My co-conspirators SuperBowl Wayne and Merlin Paul contained chaos was unleashed on the unsuspecting American airwaves !

Let me digress for a moment. It was during one unforgettable trip to cover the NFL Pro Bowl in Hawaii that the Scary one and Merlin Paul held an all night brainstorming session. This historic event happened in a room at the Hilton Hawaiian Village hotel in Waikiki . Out of this came the vision of the Scary Barry Rodriguez show.

It was jointly decided that there would be no Robo -talk on the show. ( announcer speak whereby everyone sounds the same , boring ! ) Sports is entertainment and it shouldn't be like attending the local church ! There are no four letter words that can describe the the cardboard cutout , suit wearing , ex jocks and refugees from hard news programs that attempt to portray Sports talk as a science ! Boring !

There is no way that Superbowl Wayne , Scary Barry and Merlin Paul will ever engage in rampant" stat chat " . ( endless statistics to baffle the brain ! ) Joe six pack knows what is a drag and what is happening ! After a hard day putting up with the boss the last thing anyone needs is to hear some professor of Sports go on and on about statistics or kiss a jockstar's butt !

Fans , if you  don't own a radio you can always tune in at on your computer for the show. It's my intention to re-educate the Sport's loving masses so they can become part of the Scary Nation ! I don't believe in the purity of Sport only the purity of entertainment. Writing attack articles and books about jocks is not my way. There's many  of so called Sports journalist who have made millions of dollars by bad mouthing jocks and dispensing tabloid garbage !

In conclusion folks, lets have fun , take off the suit, get a cold beer , scratch your belly and listen!



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